
Invited Talks


  • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2024. Corrective Pom Pom Dialogues: A metalinguistic or discourse reference? 2024 Joint Seminar of the Department of Language and Information at PNU & ISLI at KHU. April 26. Pusan, Korea: Pusan National University.
  • Kwon, Young-Kook and Jong-Bok Kim. 2024. Understanding English let alone Construction: A corpus-Based Approach. ELSJ 17th International Spring Forum 2024. May 25-26. Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto University (Yoshida Campus).
  • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2024. Corrective Pom Pom dialogues: Exploring metalinguistic and discourse references. 2024 Joint Workshops on Fragments hosted by both the Kyung Hee University's Institute for the Study of Language and Information (KHU-ISLI) and the Language Variation and Textual Categorisation (LVTC) research group. June 22. Vigo, Spain: University of Vigo.
  • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2024. Negated fragment answers in English: A discourse-oriented and construction-based perspective. Guest Lecture from the Department of General Linguistics at University of Freiburg. July 5. Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
  • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2024. Positive and negative fragment answers in English: A discourse-based direct interpretation approach. Goethe University – Frankfurt. July 8. Frankfurt, Germany.

  • 2023

    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Negated fragments in English: A discourse-oriented and construction-based perspective. The Joongwon Linguistic Society of Korea. May 13. Cheongju, Korea: Seowon University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Response systems and an interactive model of grammar. International Chair 2023 - Labex EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics). June 13. Paris, France: Université Paris Cité.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. (Negated) fragment answers as a response. International Chair 2023 - Labex EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics). June 20. Paris, France: Université Paris Cité.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Responses with negative dependencies. International Chair 2023 - Labex EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics). June 26. Paris, France: Université Paris Cité.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Responses with correction: A direct interpretation. International Chair 2023 - Labex EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics). July 3. Paris, France: Université Paris Cité.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Why 'usage-based’ construction grammar? LVTC (Language Variation and Textual Categorizaton) Research Group. July 10. Vigo, Spain: Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución, University of Vigo.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. How to respond to negative polar questions: A theoretical and experimental study. seminario de investigacion Fragments. July 11th. Vigo, Spain: Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución, University of Vigo.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Usage-based Construction Grammar: Implications for Language Learning and Teaching. The 4th International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Education (ICALLE). October 19-21. Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Usage-based Construction Grammar: Implications for Language Learning and Teaching. Chosun University Department of Sign Language and Linguistics Research Conference 2023. November 3. Gwangju, Korea: Chosun University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2022. Pseudogapping in English: A construction-based analysis. Linguistics Colloquium at Department of Linguistics, University of California. April 11. Davis, CA: University of California, Davis.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2022. HPSG & construction grammar: Status quo and future directions. The Spring 2022 Monthly Meetings of Korean Society of Language and Information (KSLI). April 23. Daegu, Korea: Kyungpook University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2022. Pseudogapping in English: Move-and delete or direct licensing? The English Linguistic Society of Japan 15th International Spring Forum (ELSJ SF15). May 14-15. Nagoya, Japan: Chukyo University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2022. Pseudogapping in English: A usage-based construction grammar perspective. 2022 Fall KASELL-KACL Joint Conference. October 22. Pusan, Korea: Pusan University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2022. A family of cleft constructions in English: A construction-based perspective. The Joint Fall Conference of The Association Of Modern British & American Language & Literature and The New Association of English Language & Literature. November 11-12. Daegu, Korea: Kyungpook University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2020. Nonlocal Dependencies in the Three Different Types of Korean Relative Clauses: A Constructions-Based Approach. Kolloquium: Syntax und Semantik. 2020, Jan 21, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2020. Deep Processing of Korean and the Development of the Korean Resource Grammar: Toward a Precision Computational Gramma. Seminar: Language Engineering Applications. 2020, Feb, 24, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2019. English How Come and Why: A Synchronic and Diachronic perspective. Linglunch Paris Diderot, Jan 17, Paris Diderot University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2019. Context-driven Answering Systems to Polar Questions: An Exmperiment-based Analysis. Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. 2019, Sep 13, University Hakodate.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2018. Strategies to say `yes' and `no' across languages: A discourse-based perspective. Society and languages in the third millennium: Communication, Education, Translation. May 24, The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2018. SKT Constructions in English: A Corpus-based Perspective. Workshop: Pragmatic functions of type-nouns: a crosslinguistic phenomenon, June 18-20, University Tubingen.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2018. Type-Noun Constructions in English: A Corpus-based Perspective. Nominal Interfaces. Sogang Univ.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2018. Response particles to polar questions: Parametric dierences across languages. 100th NINJAL Colloquia, Dec 11, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2017. On the Inferential Cleft Construction in English and Korean: A Corpus-based Perspective. JWLLP-VariAMU Joint Workshop, April 8-9, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Joanna Nykiel. 2017. Why-stripping in English: A direct interpretation account. 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, September 28-30, Universidade de Vigo.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2017. Modeling Answering Strategies for the Polar Questions across Languages. The 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, November 16-18, University of the Philippines Cebu.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2017. When and How to Use the Response Particles 'Yes' and 'No': From a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. The 23rd Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, December 15-17, Waseda University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2016. Syntactic and Semantic Identity in Korean Sluicing: A Direct Interpretation Approach. The 40th Anniversary Conference of the Linguistic Society of Korea, Jan 14, 2016, Seoul National University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2016. Why Usage-Based Grammar? 2016 언어과학회 하계학술대회, 8월 17일, 경북대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2016. What can we learn from big data (corpora) in understanding English. University of Minnesota, Duluth, Sep 14, 2016.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2016. The Syntax of Why-Stripping. The 21st Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Dec 16-18, Waseda University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2015. Intuition-based or Usage-based Grammar? 한국코퍼스언어학/담화인지언어학회 공동 주최 2015 가을 학술대회, 10월 17일, 한국외국어대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2015. Sluicing and Fragments in Korean: A Direct Interpretation Approach. The 19th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Dec 11-12, 2015, Waseda University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. Using Online Corpora for Synchronic and Diachronic Studies. 2014 Winter Conference of the KASELL (The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics). Sungkyunkwan University. Dec 6, 2014.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. Why Usage-based Construction Grammar? 2014 Linguistic Society of Korea Fall Conference.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on the Into Causative Construction: A Usage-Based Approach. Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014), Mar 6-9, 2014, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. Variations in the English Object Extraposition: Interactions between Constructions and the lexicon. 2014 Joint Conference LAK (Linguistic Association of Korea) & SMOG(The Society of Modern Grammar), May 24, 2014. Chosun University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2013. The Korean Sluicing: A Family of Constructions. The 14th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistic and Language Processing, Mar 8-9, 2013, Kyung-Hee University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2013. Identity in Merger and Sprouting. Workshop on Sluicing and Related Phenomena, Nov 08, 2013, 경희대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2013. 영어강의, 나는 이렇게 한다. 2013년도 교수법 워크숍, Nov 21, 2013, 기초교양교육원, 충남대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2013. When Linguistics Meets Computer Science. 2013년도 부산대학교 언어정보학과 특강, Nov 29, 2013, Department of Language and Information, Pusan National University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2013. Ellipsis in English Transparent Free Relatives?. Workshop on Ellipsis, Dongkuk University, Dec 07, 2013. 동국대학교.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2012. English Nominal Phrases: A Construction Grammar Approach. 7th International Conference on Construction Grammar. Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies. Aug 10, 2012.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2012. The English Binominal NP: A Construction Based Perspective. ELSJ 5th International Spring Forum 2012, Apr 21-22, 2012, Konan University, Japan.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2012. Asymmetries in Korean Cleft Constructions and Interactions with the Information-Structure, Feb 14, 2012, Dept. of Linguistics, Syntax Workshop. University of Hawaii.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2011.05.28. 온라인 말뭉치를 이용한 영어학연구 방법론 탐색. 2011 봄 한국언어학회/한국헌대언어학회 공동학술대회.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2011.05.27. The English Binominal NP as a Nominal Juxtaposition Construction. 서울대학교 언어연구소 특강.


    • Kim, Jongbok. 2010. On the Korean Inferential Construction. 9thWorkshop on Inferential Mechanisms and their linguistic manifestation and Kyung Hee Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and language Processing. Kyoto University. Dec 12-13.
    • Kim, Jongbok. 2010. English online corpora for the study of synchronic and diachronic English linguistics. 2010 ELSOK Fall Conference, Kyongwon Univ. Nov 28, 2010.
    • Kim, Jongbok. 2010. What we L2 Learners can learn from corpora: focusing on English NP structures. DECODE. Waseda University.
    • Kim, Jongbok. 2010. Exploring English with Online corpora. 2010 Winter workshop. English Linguistics Society of Korea. Feb 24, 2010. 연세대.
    • Kim, Jongbok. 2010. Using corpora in language Research and Learning. 10월 16일 전남대학교 2010년 대한언어학회 가을학술대회.

    2009 - 2005

    • Kim, Jongbok. 2007. 김종복. 분열구문의 유형과 특성. 서울대 언어연구소/세종전자사전개발 연구단 공동 학술 발표회: 국어 문법구조의 유형론적 특성 2007년 9월 14일(금)-15일(토). 서울대.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2007. Minimalist program vs. constraint-based grammar. 2007 대한언어학회, 한국영어학학회, 현대문법학회 합동학술대호. 11월 17일 대구카톨릭대.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006 HPSG와 구문분석. 한국어정보화화 구문분석. 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 국어연구소. 2월 6일.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Building a broad-coverage precision grammar for Korean. SMOG 2006. International conference. July 27, Daegu Catholic University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Doing English Linguistics with syntactically parsed corpus and some applications. The English linguistics societyof Korea. 2006 Winter conference. Chungnam Univ. Feb 10.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. An alternative to the Minimalist program. The Korean Society for Chomskyan Studies Winter conference. Feb 25, 2006.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2005. Case alternations and a computational implementation. Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. April 6.

    2004 - 2000

    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2003. 한국어구구조문법에서의 동명사구문 분석과 전산학적 구현. 한국현대언어학회, 한국영어학회, 한국언어학회 공동 주체 2003 가을 학술대호. 11월 29일 한밭대학교
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2002. 제약기반이론에서의 한국어 주요구문 분석. 제3회 국어정보화 아카데미 국어정보학 세미나 강의 자료집. 2002년 7월 22-26일. 연세대. 45--79.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2002. 자연언어와 제약기반문법 이론의 발달. 경희우리말 연구회 여름 특강. 2002년 7월 30-31일.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2002. Complex Predicates in Korean: From a Constraint-Based Perspective. The 4th Summer School on Generative Grammar, (제4회 한국생성문법학회 여름학교 자료집) July 23 to July 25, Hanyang Univ. (생성문법학회) 90-120.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 1999 English Auxiliary Constructions and Related Phenomena. 한국언어학회 99 학계 언어학 학술대회 특강. 1999년 8월 9일.

    Conference Talks


    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2024. Fragmental patterns in let alone construction: A corpus-based investigation. 2024 Joint Workshops on Fragments hosted by both the Kyung Hee University's Institute for the Study of Language and Information (KHU-ISLI) and the Language Variation and Textual Categorisation (LVTC) research group. June 22. Vigo, Spain: University of Vigo.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2024. Elliptical why not? questions: A corpus-based perspective. 2024 Joint Workshops on Fragments hosted by both the Kyung Hee University's Institute for the Study of Language and Information (KHU-ISLI) and the Language Variation and Textual Categorisation (LVTC) research group. June 22. Vigo, Spain: University of Vigo.
    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2024. Understanding fragmental patterns in let alone construction: A corpus-based approach. The 45th International Computer Archive of Modern English Conference (ICAME 45). June 18-22. Vigo, Spain: University of Vigo.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2024. English Why not? fragment questions: A corpus-based perspective. The 45th International Computer Archive of Modern English Conference (ICAME 45). June 18-22. Vigo, Spain: University of Vigo.
    • Zhou, Wendi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2024. Why not in English: A corpus-based approach. 5th International Conference on Education and Linguistics (ICEL) and Exhibitions. April 26-27. Uzbekistan: Westminster International University of Tashkent (WIUT).
    • Park, Youn-Gyu and Jong-Bok Kim. 2024. English quantified fragments and their interaction with polarity: A discourse-based perspective. Texas Linguistics Society 2024 (TLS 2024). February 23-24. Austin, TX: University of Texas Austin.


    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Concessive although-stripping in English: A direct interpretation perspective. The 97th Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America (LSA). January 5-8. Denver, CO.
    • Lee, Geonhee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Ellipsis in English exceptive construction: A corpus-based approach. Texas Linguistics Society 2023 (TLS 2023). February 17-18. Austin, TX: University of Texas Austin.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2023. Pom pom dialogues: A metalinguistic or discourse reference? The 32nd Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (JWLLP-32). March 10. Waseda University and Kobe Gakuin University, Japan.
    • Kim, Hee-Yeon and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Coordinated multiple wh-sluicing in English: A Corpus-based investigation. Purdue Linguistics Symposium (PLS). April 14-15. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University.
    • Charatsidou, Ellada and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Negative additive fragments in English: A corpus study investigation. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics (AMGL 43). May 4-7. Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
    • Park, Youn-Gyu and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Coordinated wh-questions in English: A corpus-based approach. 39th Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC 39). May 13-14. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria.
    • Hardy, Thomas and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. On the scope of evidential markers in Quechua and Korean: An HPSG analysis. The 9th Annual UC Davis Symposium on Language Research. May 26th. Davis, CA: University of California, Davis.
    • Park, Youn-Gyu and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. English all-cleft constructions: A corpus-based approach. The Joint Summer Conference of Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics (KACL) and The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL). June 3. Seoul, Korea: Korea University.
    • Park, Youn-Gyu and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. English all-cleft constructions: A construction-based approach. The 24th Annual International Conference of the English Department. June 9-11. Bucharest, Romania: University of Bucharest.
    • Kim, Jihye, Seulkee Park, and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. A corpus-based study of N-bar ellipsis construction in English. The 24th Annual International Conference of the English Department. June 9-11. Bucharest, Romania: University of Bucharest.
    • Nykiel, Joanna and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Clausal fragments introduced by that. The 30th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2023). July 7-8. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
    • Kim, Hee-Yeon and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Coordinated multiple wh-sluicing in English: A corpus-based investigation. Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis (ECBAE 2023). July 9th. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
    • Park, Youn-Gyu and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Coordinated wh-questions in English: An HPSG Approach. The 30th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2023). July 7-8. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Raul Aranovich. 2023. Contrasts in the Spanish and Korean external possession constructions: A construction grammar approach. The 10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC10). July 18-21. Mannheim, Germany.
    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Contextual anaphora relations in English N′-ellipsis. Arizona Linguistics Circle 17 (ALC 17). October 27-28. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona.
    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Contextual anaphora information in English N′-ellipsis. 2023 The Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2023). November11-12. CA: California State University, Fresno.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2023. Elliptical why not?: A discourse-based perspective. 2023 The Linguistic Society of Korea Winter Conference (LSK). December 9. Seoul, Korea: Kyung Hee University.


    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2022. English if (not)-stripping constructions: A direct interpretation perspective. The 14th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistics Society (ILLS14). February 25-26. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2022. A direct interpretation approach to English if (not)-stripping construction. The 46th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC46). March 18-20. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Chongwon Park. 2022. External possession constructions in Korean: Argument composition and inheritance network. The 30th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (JWLLP 30). March 26. Macau: The University of Macau.
    • Abeillé, Anne and Jong-Bok Kim. 2022. Me too fragments in English and French: A direct interpretation approach. Societas Linguistica Europaea 55th Annual Meeting (SLE2022). August 24-27. Bucharest, Romania: University of Bucharest.
    • Park, Seulkee, Hee-Yeon Kim, and Jong-Bok Kim. 2022. English although-stripping constructions: A corpus-based investigation. 2022 Fall KASELL-KACL Joint Conference. October 22. Pusan, Korea: Pusan University.
    • Lee, Geonhee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2022. Ellipsis in exceptive constructions: A corpus-based approach. 2022 LSK Winter Conference (LSK 2022). December 10. Seoul, Korea: Korea University.


    • Nguyen, Van Huong and Jong-Bok Kim. 2021. Null Complement Anaphora: A corpus-based perspective. 27th Annual Graduate Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and TESOL Symposium. Feb 20, Arizona State University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2021. What can we learn from big data (corpora) in understanding English?. Spring Conference, The 21st Century Association of English Language and Linguistics, Mar 20, Kyung Hee University, Seoul.
    • Lee, Geonhee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2021. Negative stripping in English: A corpus-based perspective. Purdue Linguistics Symposium 2021, Apr 11, Purdue University.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2021. Negative wh-constructions in Korean: A construction-based perspective. 29th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Lnaguage Processing, June 2, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2021. A construction-based approach to negative wh-construction in Korean. Korean Linguistics in Crosslinguistic Context, June 4, Cornell University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Laura Michaelis. 2021. A family of English cleft constructions: A Construction-based Perspective. Workshop: Constructional approaches in formal grammar 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG11), Aug 20, University of Antwerp.
    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2021. Subject as-parenthetical constructions in English. The 7th Annual Linguistics Conference at University of Georgia (LCUGA7), Oct 9.


    • Eynde, Frank Van, and Jong-Bok Kim. 2020. Pseudo-Partitives in English. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) 2020, Aug 18, Homboldt University. Online conference.
    • Nykiel, Joanna, Jong-Bok Kim. 2020. Case-matching effects and fragments. Experimental and Corpus-based Approaches to Ellipsis (ECBAE) 2020, Jul 15, University Paris Diderot, France.
    • Abeillé, Anne, Anastasiia Smirnova and Jong-Bok Kim. 2020. French wh-words + ça: a corpus study. Experimental and Corpus-based Approaches to Ellipsis (ECBAE) 2020, Jul 15, University Paris Diderot, France.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Stefan Müller. 2020. Transparent Free Relatives in English: A Corpus-based Perspective. Workshop: Theoretical approaches to grammatical (non-)identity in synchrony and diachrony, DGfS 2020, Mar 4, University of Hamburg, Germany.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok, Jungsoo Kim, and Anne Abeillé. 2019. Agressively Non-D-Linked Wh-Phrases and Ellipsis: A Direct Interpretation Approach. CSSP 2019, Oct 4, CNRS & Université Paris.
    • Müller, Stefan, Jong-Bok Kim, and Alain Kihm. 2019. Predicate topicalization in Korean and Yiddish: A construction-based HPSG Approach. The 26th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, July 26, University of Bucharest, Romania.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2019. Historical shifts of the How come Construction: A Corpus-based Perspective. Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English, July 2, Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens.
    • Park, Chongwon and Jong-Bok Kim. 2019. Is climate change a war? Metaphors in environmental discourse. 2019 Symposium on "Environmental Humanities: Status Quo and Future Directions", April 19, Kyung Hee University, Seoul.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2019. Why Environmental Humanities? 2019 Symposium on "Environmental Humanities: Status Quo and Future Directions", April 19, Kyung Hee University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2019. English How Come and Why: Language changes and variations from a corpus-based perspective. Linguistic Society of Philippines International Conference 2019, March 7, De La Salle University, Manila.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2019. Parametric Differences in Answering Systems: A Direct Interpretation Approach. Ellipsis Workshop, Jan 25, Paris Diderot University.


    • Kim, Jungsoo and Jong-Bok Kim. 2018. Sluiced Wh-word Inversion with Preposition in English. Presented at 2018 Fall Conference of the Linguistic Association of Korea, October 20, Chosun University.
    • Sim, Rok and Jong-Bok Kim. 2018. Horn-amalgam constructions: A construction-based approach. Presented at 2018 Fall Conference of the Linguistic Association of Korea, October 20, Chosun University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Mark Davies. 2018. Transparent Free Relatives: A Corpus-Based perspective. 14th American Association for Corpus linguistics (AACL), September 20-22, GSU Student Center, Atlanta, GA.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Nam-Guen Lee. 2018. Swiping in English: When and How to Use It. Presented at The Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar Twenty-Ninth Annual ATEG Conference, July 27-28, Rowan university, Glassboro, NJ.
    • Nykiel, Joanna and Jong-Bok Kim. 2018. Morphosyntactic form of Korean fragments is relevant to their resolution. Presented at The Linguistic Society of Korea, June 28-29, Kyung Hee University, Seoul.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2018. Response Particles and Question-Under-Discussion: Capturing Parametric Differences. Proceedings of Language and Information, June 2, Kyungpook National University, Daegu.
    • Sim, Rok and Jong-Bok Kim. 2018. The so-called ‘it-cleft amalgam’ in English: A construction-based approach. Presented at Northwest Linguistics Conference 2018, April 28-29, Simon Fraser University.
    • Lim, Kyung Ok and Jong-Bok Kim. 2018. When and how to say “no” : A Corpus-based perspective. Presented at 63rd Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association, April 21-22, St. John's University, New York City, USA.
    • Nykiel, Joanna, Jong-Bok Kim, Rok Sim, and Okgi Kim. 2018. Morphosyntactic form of Korean fragments is relevant to their resolution. the Linguistic Society of America 2018, January 4-7, Grand America Salt Lake City, USA.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2017. Language variations in answers to polar questions: A Non-configurational Approach. COLLOQUE DE SYNTAXE ET SÉMANTIQUE À PARIS(CSSP), November 23-25, University of Paris 7.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Yaejee Kim. 2017. Why-Stripping in English and Korean. Arizona Linguistics Circle 11, October 20-22, University of Arizona.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Mark Davies. 2017. English what with absolute constructions: Diachronic and synchronic. 7th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, September 28-30, Universidade de Vigo.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Joanna Nykiel. 2017. Direct compositionality in English why-stripping: A corpus-based approach. Corpus-based and Experimental Approaches to Ellipsis, July 27-28, The University of Kentucky.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2017. Why-stripping in English: A direct interpretation approach. 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, April 28-30, University of Calgary.
    • Park, SeulKee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2017. English As-parenthetical Construction: A Corpus-based Perspective. Proceedings of Linguistics Prague, April 28-29, Charles University.


    • Baik, Jiseon, Seulkee Park, and Jong-Bok Kim. 2016. Mismatching Effects in the Free Relative Clause Constructions: A Construction-based Perspective. The 2016 Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC), April 23-24, University of Washington at Seattle.
    • Sim, Rok and Jong-Bok Kim. 2016. Wh-Syntactic Amalgams in English: A Construction-Based Perspective. The 2016 Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC), April 23-24, University of Washington at Seattle.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Joanna Nykiel. 2016. Fragment answers in Korean and English. The 2016 Forum for theoretical lingustics, May 4, University of Oslo.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2016. Inverted Wh-exclamative Constructions: A Corpus-based Perspective. Corpora and Discourse International Conference, June 30-July 3, Siena University.
    • Sim, Rok and Jong-Bok Kim. 2016. Cleft amalgams in English: A Construction-Based Perspective. 2016 언어과학회 하계학술대회, 8월 17일, 경북대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Mark Davies. 2016. Historical Shifts of English what with Absolute Constructions: A Corpus-based Perspective. American Association for Corpus Linguistics Conference 2016, Sep. 16-18, 2016. Iowa State University.
    • Sim, Rok and Jong-Bok Kim. 2016. Cleft amalgams in English: A Usage-Based Approach. The 23rd Annual University of Texas at Arlington Student Conference in Linguistics and TESOL (UTASCILT), November 04, University of Texas at Arlington.
    • Kwag, Younah and Jong-Bok Kim. 2016. Data-Driven Learning: Similarities and Differences between the Aspectual Verbs begin and start. 114th Annual Conference for Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, November 11-13, 2016.


    • Kim, Jeong Hyeon and Jong-Bok Kim. 2015. Inverted Wh-exclamative Constructions: A Corpus-based Perspective. Arizona Linguistics Circle 9, November 6-8, 2015, University of Arizona.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Mark Davies. 2015. English Transparent Free Relatives: A Usage-Based Approach. 6th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, August 19-23, 2015. University of Wiconsin at Madison.
    • Kwag, Yoon-ah and Jong-Bok Kim. 2015. Changes in the Complementation Patterns of the Verb Commit: A Corpus-based Perspective. The 4th Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English, July 6, 2015. Centre Universitaire de Troyes.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2015. Variations in the Vacuous Object Extraposition. Illinois Language and Linguistics Society, April 17-18, 2015. University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign.
    • Kwag, Yoon-ah and Jong-Bok Kim. 2015. On the Complementation Patterns of the Verb Commit: A Diachronic Perspective. 한국코퍼스언어학회(KACL) 봄 공동 학술대회: 새로운 코퍼스방법론의 탐색 (A Search for a New Corpus Methodology), 4월 25일, Seoul National University.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2015. The `Much of an N' Construction: A Corpus-based Perspective. 한국코퍼스언어학회(KACL) 봄 공동 학술대회: 새로운 코퍼스방법론의 탐색 (A Search for a New Corpus Methodology), 4월 25일, Seoul National University.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2015. Is Much Enough of a Quantifier: A Corpus-based Approach. 10th Annual Purdue Linguistics Association Student Symposium, 2015 April 10-11, Purdue University.
    • Sim, Rok and Jong-Bok Kim. 2015. The transitive out of V-ing Construction in English: A Usage-based Approach. 6th Biennial meeting of the Rice Linguistics Society, 2015 March 20-21, Rice University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Mark Davies. 2015. English what with absolute construction: A Usage-based, Construction-Grammar Perspective. Berkeley Linguistics Society 41st Annual Meeting, February 7-8, UC Berkeley.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. Variations in the English Object Extraposition: Interactions between Constructions and the lexicon. 2014 Joint Conference LAK (Linguistic Association of Korea) & SMOG (The Society of Modern Grammar), May 24, 2014. Chosun University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. Variations in the Vacuous Object Extraposition. Korean Society of Language and Information Spring Seminar, May 17, 2014. Sookmyeng Women's University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Nam-Geun Lee 2014. English Object Extraposition: How to Use and Learn. PAMLA (Pacic Ancient and Modern Language Association) 112th Annual Conference. Riverside Convention Center. Oct 31-Nov 2, 2014.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. Data Driven Learning and Teaching English Vacuous Object Extraposition. The 25th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Grammar ATEG 25 - Reaching New Heights Hosted by University of Colorado Colorado Springs. September 5-6, 2014.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2014. A Constructional Account of Right Dislocation in English. Outside the Clause: Form and function of Extra-clausal constituents, Jul 4-5, 2014, University of Vienna.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2014. Right Dislocation Construction in English: A Constraint-Based Approach. The 30th Nortwest Linguistics Conference, Apr 26-27, 2014. Simon Fraser University.
    • Park, Seulkee and Jong-Bok Kim. 2014. A Constructional Account of the Close Apposition in English. Purdue Linguistics Association(PLA) Symposium 2014, Mar 28-29, 2014, Purdue University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Nam-Geun Lee. 2013. English Transitive ING construction: A Usage-based Approach. The American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL 2013), Jan 18-20, 2013, San Diego State University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. 2013. Elliptical Constructions in Korean. East Asian Linguistics Seminar 2013, Feb 26, 2013, University of Oxford.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. 2013. Sluicing in Korean. Structure and Evidence in Linguistics - A workshop in honor of Ivan A. Sag, April 28-30, 2013, Stanford University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2013. Metaphorical Extensions of Eating and Drinking in English and Korean: A Usage-based Approach. 111th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA 2013), Nov 1-3, 2013, Bahia Resort Hotel, San Diego, USA.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Frank Van Eynde. 2013. Form and Function Mismatch in the English Appositional Construction: A Construction-based Perspective. International Workshop on the Structure of the Noun Phrase in English: Synchronic and Diachronic Explorations (NP3 2013), Nov 14-15, 2013, University of Leuven (KU LEUVEN), Belgium.
    • Kim, Okgi and Jong-Bok Kim. 2013. What with Absolute Constructions: A Usage-based Approach. 대한언어학회 2013 봄학술대회, May 25, 2013, 전주대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2013. Question under Discussion and Reuse in Korean Sluicing. 2013 한국언어정보학회 정기학술대회, Oct 19, 2013 경북대학교.


    • Kim, Okgi, and Jong-Bok Kim. 2012. How Come and Why: Similarities and Differences. 8th International Congress on English Grammar, Jan 12-14, 2012, Polytechnic University.
    • Antilla, Arto and Jong-Bok Kim. 2012. Case Marking in Finnish Nonfinite Sentential Complements. The 12th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Mar 24, 2012, Kyung-Hee University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2012. Transparent Free Relatives: Interactions between the Lexicon and Constructions. The 2012 Northwest Linguistics Conference, Apr 7-8, 2012, University of Washington.


    • Lee, Hyun-Woo, SeungHan Lee and JongBok Kim. 2011. Synchronic and Diachronic Uses of the English No Matter Construction. WECOL 2011, Nov 18, 2012 at Arizona University
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and NamGeun Lee. 2011. Lexical Aspect and Eventuality in Korean Imperfective Constructions. Oct 27, 2012 Workshop on the Representation of Time in Asian languages. Sincai, Taiwan
    • Park, Seulkee and JongBok Kim. 2011.04.15. English Conditional Inversion: a Construction-Based Approach. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association. New York.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. 2011.02.21. The English Binominal NP as a Nominal Juxtaposition Construction. Berkeley Linguistics Society, Feb, 2011
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. 2011. The English Binominal NP as a Nominal Juxtaposition Construction. Second International Workshop on the Structure of the Noun Phrase in English -Synchronic and Diachronic Explorations, Sept 15-16, 2011, Newcastle University.


    • Song, Sanghoun, Jong-Bok Kim, Francis Bond, and Jaehyung Yang. 2010. Development of the Korean Resource Grammar: Towards Grammar Customization. The 8th Workshop on Asian Language Resources, Beijing, China. 08-22-10.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. 2010. A Phrasal and context-dependent analysis of Korean comparative constructions. The Sixth International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-6), AUg 15-16, 2010, Peking University, Beijing, China.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Kyongseop Lee. 2010. So inversion in English. 2010. 한국영어학학회 봄학술대회 ELSOK/MESK conference. Jun 12, 2010. 한밭대학교
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2010. How big of a mess it is? 한국영어교육연구학회. 2010 봄 정기학술대회. 6월 12일, 2010. 항공대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2010. Parsing Korean comparative constructions. 2010 한국언어정보학회 정기학술대호. 5월 14-15일. 충남대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-bok and Nam-guen Lee. 2010. Negative inversion in Standard and Non-Standard English: A constructional-based approach. 55th Annual conference of the international linguistic association. April 15-17. State University of New York, New Paltz.


    • Kim, Jungsoo and Jongbok Kim. English floating quantifiers: a non-movement approach. NWLC 2009. UBC, Vancouver Apr 25-26.
    • Kim, Kyeong-min and Jongbok Kim. A functor treatment of 'such': a corpus-based approach. 3rd arizona linguistics circle conference: Interfaces and interactions in linguistic theories. Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2009. Univ of Arizona, Tucson.
    • Kim, Jinyoung and Jongbok Kim. English it is that construction: a corpus based approach. Interfaces and interactions in linguistic theories. Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2009. Univ of Arizona, Tucson
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2009. The Big Mess Construction: Revisited. 35 Berkeley Linguistic Society. Feb 14--16, 2009.
    • Lee, Seung Han and Kim, Jongbok. Attracting negative inversion: syntactic or constructional force? Oct 9, 2009. 2009 Mid-America Linguistics Conference.
    • Kim, jong-bok & peter sells. 2009. the big mess construction: interactions between lexicon and constructions. International workshop on the structure of the noun phrase in english. Universidade de Vigo. Vigo, Spain. Oct 2-3, 2009.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2008. The inferenential it-is-that construction. 한국영어학 2008 가을학술대회 2008년 11월 29일
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2008. On the treatment of discontinous modifier constructions. 현대문법학회.한국언어정보학회 공동학술대회. 11월 15일 대구가톨릭대학
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Nam-Guen Lee. A Non-movement approach to Korean Numeral classifier constructions. Second International Conference on East Asian Linguistics. Simon Fraser Univ. Nov 7-9.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. A constructional approach to multiple nominative constructions. 5th international conference on construction grammar. university of Texas at Austin, September 26-28.
    • 김종복 양재형. 한국어 분열구문의 전산학적처리. 제 20회 한글 및 한국어정보처리 학술대회. 서울대학교 10월 10일
    • 김종복. Comments on Kuno, 임홍빈, 김용화's paper. 서강대학교 개교50주년 기념국제학술대회. 서강대 10월 9일
    • 김종복. LKB 구현에서의 코퍼스 화룡 가능성. 고려대학교 코퍼스 언어학 워크숍. 고려대 언어정보연구소 4월 5일
    • 김종복. Developments of construction grammar and its status quo. 한국언어정보학회 2008년 1학기 월례발표회. 4월 28일
    • Kim and Sells. On the role of information structure with korean 'kes' LSA Winter Meeting. Hilton Chicago, Jan 5.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok. Syntactically parsed english corpus ICE-GB and some applications. Workshop on hwo to do linguistics with corpus. Kyungpook Univ. Oct 20, 2007.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok & Peter Sells. 20067. Korean cleft construtions and information strucutre. Workshop on Japanese/Korean semantics/pragamtics. JK 17 Preconference workshop, UCLA
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Jaehyung Yang. On the Syntax and Semantics of the Bound Noun Constructions: With a Computational Implementation. Paper to be presented at the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation. Seoul National University, Nov 1-3.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. Korean Nominalizer kes and Information Structure. Paper presented at the 12th ISOKL, Harvard University, August 3--5, 2007.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Jaehyung Yang. Syntax and Semantics of Korean Numeral Classifier Constructions Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 20-22 July 2007. Stanford University.
    • Arto antilla and Jong-bok Kim. 2007. Structural Case on adverbials. Workshop on emprical approaches to morphological case. July 25. Stanford University.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. Two Types of Multiple Nominative Construction: A Constructional Approach. Paper presented at the HPSG 2007 Workshop on Constructions and Grammatical Theory 21 July. Stanford University.


    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Jaehyung Yang. Two types of multiple nominative construcdtiosn . the 5th Korean-Japane Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing. Dec 9, 2006. Kyung Hee U.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Subject-object and argument-adjunct asymmetries in English Wh-constructions. Nov. 17. 한국영어학학회 2006년 겨울학술대회. 청주대학교.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Minimalist Program vs. Constraint-Based Grammar. 서울대학교 인문학연구원: 언어연구소 언어학토론회. Chomsky의 최소주이 진정 좋은 이론인가? Dec 1, 2006. Invited Discussant.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Extraction in HPSG. Constraint-Based Grammar Research Group. 충남대학교. Nov 11, 2006.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Parsing NPs in Korean: Focusing on Floating Quantifier Constructions. 한국언어정보학회. Nov 18.
    • Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Cleft constructions in English and Korean. 2006년 대한언어학회-한국언어학회 가을공동학술대회. 조선대학교 10월 21일
    • Kim, Jong-Bok and Peter Sells. 2006. On the role of animacy and the participants in the eventuallity in case assignemtn in Korean. the 16th Japanese/Korean linguistics conference. Kyoto Univ. Kyoto. oct 7-9.


    • 제약기반이론에서의 한국어구구조문법과 LKB를 이용한 구문분석기 구축. 경북대학교 영어영문학과 집담회. 11월 25일.
    • Mismatches between forms and funcdtions. 언어정보학회. Sep 4, Daewoo Foundation.
    • Three types of English cleft constructions: implications from corpus data. 제 39회 어학연구회. 12월 9-10일
    • English cleft and pseudo-cleft constructions: A corpus-based, contrastive analysis. 현대문법학회 가을 학술대회. 2005년 10월 15일.
    • Status Quo of Korean Resource Grammar and a Korean-Japanese Joint Project. DELPH-IN: First Internatinal Working Meeting , University of Lisbon, Aug 20, 2005
    • Copy constructions and their interaciton with the copula in Korean. HPSG 2005, Lisbon, Aug 23.


    • Grammatical interactions in parsing Korean with the LKB system. Paclic 18, Satellite Workshop. (Jong-Bok Kim, Jaehyung Yang, and Jaewoong Choe). Dec 8, 2004
    • Capturing and parsing the mixed properties of light verb constructions in a typed feature structure grammar. PACLIC 18, Dec 9 (Jong-Bok Kim, Jaehyung Yang, and Incheol Choi)
    • English Expletive and Extraposition: A Constraint-Based, Non-derivational Approach. 2004 International Conference on English Linguistics. June 18-19, 2004.
    • The Korean Case System: A Unified, Constraint-Based Approach. 생성문법 6월 12일
    • Korean Case System and Issues in the Computational Implementation. 한국언어정보학회, 제약기반문법 연구회. 5월 29일. 충남대 인문관


    • Expletives and Extraposition in English: Facts and Descriptions. 제37회 전국어학연구회 학술대회. 서울대학교 언어교육원. 12월 12일.
    • New directions for English education at Kyung Hee University. Tongji University, China. 2003 Korean-Chinse Workshop on Education. Oct 23-- 25.
    • English agreement: A pedagogically feasible grammar. The 1st Korean Generative Grammar Circle Fall Conference. November 8, 2003. Pusan National University. [With Chung Chan]
    • 조동사 복합 술어 구문의 효율적 처리를 위한 구문, 의미 분석기 구축. 제15회 한글 및 한국어 정보처리 학술대회. 고려대학교, 10월 10일-11일 [With 양재형]
    • Understanding Minimal Recursion Semantics. Phrase Structure Grammar Research Group. Sep 27, Daewoo Foundation Building.
    • Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach. 13th J/K Linguisics Conference. Aug 1-3, 2003, Michigan State Univ. [With Peter Sells, Michael Wescoat]
    • Parsing complex predicate constructions in the Korean LKB System. The Korean Society for Language and Information 2003 Summer Conference. 6월 28일 - 29일. 인하대학교. [With Jahyung Yang]
    • English word order asymmetries in left peripheral constructions. HPSG 2003 Conference. July 18-20, Michigan State Univ. [With Chung Chan]
    • Contrastive verb constructions in Korean: A Case-study in Relatedness. Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics 10, July 12. Harvard University. [With Peter Sells and Sae-youn Cho]


    • Mismatches in Korean Copula Constructions and Linearization Effects. The 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation. [With Chung Chan] 2월
    • Expletive and Inversion Constructions in English. 한국언어학회 2002 겨울연구회 주제발표 논문자료집. 2002년 2월4-6일. 서울대 인문대. 154-173. [With Chung Chan]
    • Discourse and Syntax Interface: English, Greek, and Korean. 한국언어정보학회 구구조문법연구 대우재단 March 23, 2002
    • Lexical and Constructional Constraints in English Locative Inversion. The 38th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. The University of Chicago, Apr 25-27, 2002. [With Chung Chan]
    • Presentational There Constructions: A Lexicalist, Constructional Perspective. 2002년 대한언어학회 봄 학술대회: 자연언어와 실질문법 2002년 5월 18일 (토). 19-24. [With Chung Chan]


    • Teaching The Structure of English Partitive NPs and Agreement. The 6th Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics conference, July 30-Aug 1, 20901, Jeju National Univeristy.
    • Constraints on the Realization of Information Structure and Its projection. The Ninth Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics. Harvard University, July 13-15. [With Minhaeng Lee]
    • Internally Headed Relative Clause Constructions: Revisited. The Ninth Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics. Harvard University, July 13-15. [With Kyung-Sup Lim]
    • Maping Relations between Lexical Information and Conceptual Structures. The First Seoul Internaitonal Conference on Discourse and Congnitive Linguistics: Perspectives for the 21st Century. June 9-10, [With Yae-shiek Lee]
    • Light Verb Construcitons: An HPSG Approach. 한국언어정보학회 구구조문법 5월 19일, 2001년
    • On the Structure of English Partitive NPs: 제 9회 한국영문법 학회학술대회 2001년 5월 26일 고려대 국제관
    • Negation, VP Ellipsis, and VP Fronting in English: A Construction-HPSG Analysis. The 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Feb 1 - 3, 2001, Hong Kong City University of Hongkong


    • Mixed categories and Multiple Hierarchy in Korean Verbal Gerundive Phrases: WECOL 2000. California State University, Fresno, Oct 27-28.
    • Sentential Nominalizations in Korean: A Constraint-Based Approach. Korea Society of Language and Information. Oct 21.
    • Complements and Adjuncts in HPSG: 구구조문법연구회. Daewoo Research Foundation. October 21.


    • Constraints and Argument Composition in Multiple Nominative Constructions. 한국언어정보학회. Nov 20.
    • Morphology in HPSG. Korea Society of Language and Information 언어정보학회 구구조문법연구회. Sep 18
    • Properties of the Periphrastic Do and Its Syntactic Structure [신영어영문학회 발표] August 21
    • Some Issues in English and French negation. Seminar on French Syntax. Dept. of Linguistics, Stanford Univ. (Feb 9)
    • A Local Treatment of Nonlocal Relativization. The 25th Berkeley Linguistic Society UC Berkeley. (Feb 12-15)


    • The Construction of TSNLP(Test Suite for Natural Language Processing) Test Data, KAIST, 시스템공학센터(SERI), TSNLP Seminar. 5월 16일
    • A New Perspective on Resultative Constructions. 한국언어정보학회. 5월 10일
    • 무한의존구문의 제약기반이론적 접근. 대한언어학회 한국어 구문분석 심포지엄. 7월 28일
    • On English and Korean Resultative Constructions. 생성문법학회. 10월 24일
    • Differences between English and Korean Resultative Constructions. 대한언어학회 가을 정기 학술대회. 11월 1일
    • A New Perspective in VP Ellipsis and Negation. 중원언어학회 가을 학술발표회 11월 14일


    • Negation, scope and morphology in Korean. Presented at the Workshop on Japanese and Korean Linguistics. CSLI, Aug 11th to Aug 15th. Sponsored by HPSG project and JPSG project.


    • Interface between Morphology and Syntax: a Constraint-Based and Lexical Approach. Presented at the 2nd International HPSG Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 13th-15th, 1994


    • On Korean Resultatives. Paper Presented at the Linguistic Society of America, January 1993 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles.
    • On the Structure of Korean Lexicon and Word Formation: A Constraint-Based Approach. Presented at the First International HPSG Workshop, August 2nd 1993, Columbus, Ohio State University.
    • Clause Internal Scrambling and Scope in Korean Psych Constructions. Presented at the 23rd Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 23), University of Washington, Seattle, November 1993.