My Nickname

My name "Soojoon" ("秀俊") actually means "a very nice man" in Chinese letters, but there exists a different word "soojoon" ("水準") meaning "level" in Korean language ("水準" is totally different from "秀俊," but is also pronounced as "soojoon" in Korean), and "Lee" is pronounced as the alphabet "E" in Korean, which has several meanings, such as "this", "two", "tooth", and "louse".
Because the surname is the first name in Korea (China and Japan as well), my name pronounced as "E soojoon" in Korean is often misinterpreted as "this level." But, I have been enjoying this misinterpretation. So, "this level" became my nickname.

Nowadays, I also like "two level" as my nickname, because it is closely related to "qubit," which I am always interested in.

If you have any questions or comments about my nickname,
then please email () me.