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Hyo Jong Kim

Ph.D candidate


Research Interest
CMOS Amplifier, HPA


UniversBachelor, Radio Communication Engineering, Kyung Hee ity, Korea
Master, Radio Communication Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea


Email: ant74@hanmail.net



Tai Nghia Nguyen

Ph.D candidate


Research Interest
CMOS design, VCO, PLL, Mixer, Divider


Bachelor, College of Technology, Vietnam National University of Hanoi (VNUH), Viet Nam

Email: nghiatai@khu.ac.kr 



Tai Quoc Duong

PhD Candidate


Research Interest
CMOS design, RFID front-end design, SoC


Bachelor, Electrics and electronics Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Viet Nam

Master, Radio Communication Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea

Email: duongquoctai@khu.ac.kr



Duong Vo

Master candidate


Research Interested

 CMOS and VLSI, Memory and RF circuit design, SOC, BIST



Bachelor, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Viet Nam


Email: duongvo@khu.ac.kr



Hung Quoc Huynh

Master candidate


Research Interested

RFID front-end design, SoC



Bachelor, Electronic and Telecommunications, Ho Chi Minh University of Natural Sciences, Viet Nam


Email: kerysom@yahoo.com



Bao Anh Nguyen

Master candidate


Research Interest
CMOS and VLSI design, RFID front-end design, SoC



Bachelor, Electronics &Telecommunications Engineering, Da Nang University of Technology, Viet Nam


Email: baoanhnguyen@khu.ac.kr



Sang-Hyun Hwang

Master candidate


Research Interest

RF system, RFIC, Soc, MEMS…



Bachelor, Radio Communication Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea


Email: muttagi7@hanmail.net



Ha Cong Tran

Master candidate


Research Interest

RF system, PLL...



Bachelor, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Viet Nam


Email: tcongha@yahoo.com


Jiafu Lin

Ms-PhD candidate


Research Interest

LNA, Phase shifter, Mixer and MMIC



Bachelor, School of Electronics Technology and Science, Anhui University, China


Email: jiafu@khu.ac.kr


















































































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